Welcome Colleagues!
You've reached the INRC webpages, the virtual meeting place for scientists, clinicians, and other researchers interested in all aspects of opioid pharmacology and function.
The advancement of science relating to all aspects of opioid research primarily by providing an international forum where there can be exchanges of information among interested scientists from different disciplines.
The last meeting of the INRC was held in San Diego, California, from June 12 (Tuesday) to June 16 (Saturday), 2018. See the 2018 Post-meeting page for full program book including abstracts, and photos from the banquet, and other momentos of the conference.
The INRC will celibrate a 50-year anniversary of its creation with a special 2019 INRC conference in central Manhattan, New York. The dates are from on the evening on Sunday, July 7, 2019 through evening and banquet celebration on Thursday, July 11, 2019.
Check back later for more information or sign up to the INRC- to get updates by email. Send your name, affiliation, and email to the INRC Information Officer, Dr. Amynah Pradhan, at <>.

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